Vad jag för tillfället läser (för andra gången)!

I boken berättar Mike som under de senaste åren drivit en av väldens framgångsrikaste tradingfirmor i NY om hur de tränar sina nya traders, vad de som lyckats gjort rätt, vad de som misslyckats gjort fel etc.
Han berättar också om deras framgångsmetod som innefattar att trada "rätt" aktier (In Play), och vad de letar efter.
Denna bok innehåller tack och lov inget tradingsystem, utan snarare en roadmap på vad du som trader kan göra för att utvecklas och bli bättre.
Abraham Lincoln sa: "If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six hours sharpening my ax".
SMB bedriver även en suverän blogg som jag besöker varje dag.
Som ni märker så är jag rätt influerad av vad dem gör, känns som jag har länkat en hel del till dem redan.
What I'm currently reading (for the second time)!
I have previously linked to the new trading book One Good Trade by Mike Bellafiore in this blog.
Thought I should share a little review with you guys since the book selects under the category "must read" on my shelves:
I have during the three years I have been active read up to about 30 books on trading, not to mention endless with online materials, courses, seminars, etc..
What books traders find good is often very individual depending on what market you trade and what stage you are in your training.
This book, I believe, however, would fit most types of traders as it contains many tools to succeed as a experienced or developing trader.
In the book, Mike who is one of two owners of one of the worlds most successfull trading firms in New York tells us about how they train their new traders, what those who succeeded did right, what those who failed did wrong, etc.
You follow several stories about his own trading, and also stories about the different traders they have trained during the years has developed superior tradingskills bu using the several techniques Mike reveals in his book.
He also tells us about their successful approach that includes the part of being in the "right" stocks(In Play), and what they are looking for to find them.
Another part I found very instructive was when he tells how the new traders accelerates their learning curve.
They use a few methods to transform one tradingday into 10.
This book contains no trading systems (thank god), but rather a roadmap on what you as a trader can do to evolve and improve every day.
The book is quite expensive here in Sweden but truly worth its money. It has sold out one time already so you may have to wait a few weeks on your copy.
It can also be worthwhile to see if it can be ordered from the US as it seems to be a bit cheaper there??
Abraham Lincoln said: "If I Had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six hours sharpening my ax."
That is what part of this book is about, and what you do when you read this book:)
There are more reviews to read on Amazon.
SMB also writes a great blog that I visit every day.
As you can see I am quite influenced to what they do over there since this was like the fifth or so link to SMB in this blog already.
/ J
Jag beställde faktiskt just den boken förra veckan efter att ha läst om den på andra ställen. Väldigt positiva recensioner på Amazon också. Ser fram emot intressant läsning.